Modern Boheme vol. 9 | World Water Day

Did you know that groundwater is the source of almost a third of the water supply of households and businesses from county and city water departments? [3] For rural populations that don’t get their water from a county, city department, or private company, groundwater supplies 90% of the drinking water. [3] March 22nd is World Water Day.

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Modern Boheme vol. 9 | Spotlight Series on Activists | Antarctica

In this spotlight series, my goal is to amplify youth activists from each continent. This month’s continent is Antarctica, which is the only continent that doesn’t have a permanent human settlement. So, this spotlight is going to be on activists working to amplify how climate change is impacting Antarctica and what’s needed to preserve this precious habitat.

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Modern Boheme vol. 8 | Are houseplants ecofriendly?

How many plants do you own right now? If it's anything like social media would have us believe, you probably have at least one (but likely many more!). During the pandemic, so many people turned to houseplants. And for good reason. They provide oxygen, a slice of nature, and a sense of purpose in a chaotic and ever-changing pandemic.

But how ecofriendly is our houseplant obsession?

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Modern Boheme vol. 8 | App Review: Too Good to Go

Too Good to Go is a Danish company and app with the goal of saving food waste from restaurants and grocery stores. They launched in the U.S. in 2020 and I’ve been hearing mentions of the app on various social media platforms over the last handful of years. I downloaded the app sometime last year, and this past week I finally tried it out.

Read on to see what I purchased, my overall experience, and what I would love to see from the company in the future.

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Modern Boheme vol. 8 | Greener Bouquets

If you had to guess before reading ahead, do you think flower bouquets are sustainable? Well, if you said “very sustainable”, you may be surprised to find out that the opposite is true. From transportation costs to the chemicals they’re treated with as they grow to labor, cut flowers aren’t as sustainable as they may seem.

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Modern Boheme | January 2022: Spotlight Series on Youth Activists | Africa

I’m excited to kick off this spotlight series on youth activists that I’ll be releasing every other month this year. Beginning alphabetically, this month’s youth activists hail from Africa, the continent warming faster than the rest of the world as detailed in the recent Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

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Modern Boheme | December 2021: 2021 Year End Reflections + Journaling Prompts

Recently, I read something that reminded me that life doesn’t start once we finally reach a bunch of goals like starting a new business, losing weight, or finally having the perfect apartment. Life is now. It’s the everyday moments that we try to rush through and eschew in favor of planning our futures. Living in an ongoing pandemic has reminded me of the importance of grasping ahold of the current moment and there were a lot of really good ones to cup in the palm of my hand.

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Modern Boheme | November 2021: 3 Tips for Handling Climate Anxiety

As the famous American writer, womanist, and civil rights activist Audre Lorde once wrote, "I think despair is an endemic part of revolution. No revolution happens within one lifetime so we work to capacity, we believe in what we are doing knowing full well we won’t see the fruits of our labor. It is a hard place to hold."

Whether you would describe yourself as a climate activist or not, if you care about the environment then you likely feel somewhat stressed or anxious about our planet's future.

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