This week’s feast for your senses.
Read MoreWhen I was younger, I went through a phase where I was obsessed with clouds. I read up on the different kinds and studied what made them different. I’d proudly display my knowledge and point up to the sky as I noted the presence of a cumulus cloud or stratus cloud. Cumulonimbus clouds were my favorite. It’s a fun word for a nine-year-old to say, spell, and understand and it was a reflection of the times in my young life where I had agency over what I learned and how I applied it.
My obsession with clouds has cooled, as many obsessions from our youth do as we mature, but just a couple of months ago I was sitting in the backyard and looked up for what felt like the first time in ages. I noticed how quickly the clouds were moving and mused about cloud speed for a few minutes as I watched them dance, twist, stretch, and grow across the sky. Then, I picked up my phone and looked it up. (Average cloud speed is 30-40 mph, by the way).
Read MoreAlthough it would be easy to chalk up my feelings of disconnect to living in a COVID-19 world, the truth is that the older I’ve gotten the more disconnected I have felt from my friends. It’s fairly logical and seemingly an inevitable process of growing up, working, moving to new cities, and getting ‘busy’. If you were so inclined, you could murmur about ‘time zones’ or trot out one of the most overused and underutilized phrases of adulthood, ‘let’s get together sometime soon!’ Whatever the cause and whatever roles I play in feeling disconnected from my friends, I’ve been motivated to seek out new methods of connection.
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